Snow Rails for Sloped Metal Roofs
Metal Roof Snow Guards offers a wide range of metal
roof snow fences. The SnoBar consists of a 1-inch square tube with a mill
finish that comes standard with a lifetime Gatorshield extreme galvanized coating.
For an upcharge, it can also be powder-coated to match the color of your roof
if desired. The ColorBar is an extremely strong, structural extruded aluminum
bar that can be powder-coated to match the roof or accept a color strip in the channel
of the bar. Special orders for powder-coated snow retention systems can be made
over the phone.
Both types of bars can be attached to a standing seam
metal roof panel with stainless steel or aluminum roof clamps. The SnoBar
clamps are secured to the standing seams with cupped tip set screws torqued to a
low torque setting of only 90-inch pounds. Screw-down attachment of the snow
rails is also feasible for mechanically fastened metal roof panels. When
installing snow bars on an exposed fastener metal roof panel, such as an
R-Panel or PBR-Panel, it is recommended to screw down the bars with the
patented ColorBrackets.
A two-bar snow retention system using the the SnoBar
and ColorBar is also available to combat extreme winter conditions on a
standing seam metal roof.